Andrea Bosco

The Director of the Lothian Foundation

Andrea Bosco is the founder of the Lothian Foundation  and member of its Acedemic Council. He has been Jean Monnet “ad personam” Chairholder on the History and Theory of European Integration at the School of Political Science of the University of Florence. He has been co-director of the European Institute at South Bank University. He has published extensively on the history and theory of the federal idea (The Federal Idea. The History of Federalism from the Enlightenment to 1945, Vol. I; The History of Federalism since 1945, Vol. II; A Constitution for Europe. A Comparative Study of Federal Constitutions and Plans for the United States of Europe, with Preston King; Subsidiarity and Federalism. A Definition and Comparison; Federal Union and the Origins of the ‘Churchill Proposal’: The Federalist Debate in the United Kingdom from the Pact of Munich to the Fall of France,1938–1940), on the history of European integration (Émile Noël. A life for Europe; Towards a Substantial European Union. The Euro and the Struggle for the Creation of a New Global Currency, with Max Guderzo), and on British Imperial and foreign policy in the twentieth century (Chatham House and British Foreign Policy 1919–1945. The Royal Institute of International Affairs During the Inter-War Years, with Cornelia Navari; Lord Lothian and the Creation of the Atlantic Policy; June 1940: Great Britain and the First Attempt to Build a European Union; The Round Table Movement and the Fall of the ‘Second’ British Empire, and Democracy, Federalism, the European Revolution and
Global Governance).

Lothian Foundation's
Academic Council

Stefano Orlandi

The Executive Secretary

Stefano Orlandi is the Executive Secretary of the Lothian Foundation. Graduated in 2018 in Communication Sciences currently studying for a master’s degree. He is a Web developer and a social media manager.

Former Patrons and members

Former Council Members


 Dr Terence Bishop (SOAS, London), Prof. Michael Burgess (University of Leicester), Prof. Valerie Cromwell (University of Sussex), Prof. Mordaunt Crook (University of London), Dr. Thomas Daffern (University of London), Prof. Michael Dockrill (King’s College, London), Dr. Gerard Douds (Worcester College), Prof. Murray Forsyth (University of Leicester), Prof. Rüdiger Görner (University of Surrey), Prof. Giulio Guderzo (University of Pavia), Dr. Dieter Heinrich (World Association for World Federation, NY), Prof. Kenneth Ingham (University of Bristol), Judy Keep (Secretary, The Federal Trust), Dr. Deborah Lavin (Trevelyan College, Durham), Dr. Anthony Lentin (Open University), Prof. John Logue (Villanova University, PA), Prof. Luigi Vittorio Majocchi (General Secretary of the International European Movement), Prof. Alan Milward (London School of Economics), Prof. Roger Morgan (European University Institute, Florence), Dr. Hanna Newcombe (Peace Research Institute, Dundas, CA), Prof. John Pinder (President, The Federal Trust), Dr. Roy Pryce (Director, The Federal Trust)  John Roberts (New England College), Prof. David Steeds (University of Wales), Dr. Ira Straus (Association to Unite Democracies), Prof. John Turner (University of London), Henry Usborne (MINIFED), Prof. Helen Wallace (Chatham House), Dr. David Weigall (University of Cambridge).

Former Patrons

Michael Ancram, the Hon. David Astor, Sir Michael Butler, Lord Callaghan of Cardiff, Lord Gladwyn of Bramfield, the Rt. Hon. Lord Jenkins of Hillhead, Sir Charles Kimber, Henry Hodson, the Rt. Hon. Sir David Steel..